Perfect for Ladies' Night Out, Group Date Night, Church Groups, Staff Parties, Birthday Parties
Call Kristin Meier: 253-754-2965

LOCATION: I bring the party to the location of your choice (home, office, church building, etc,) within a reasonable distance to the Phoenix area.
WHAT IS PROVIDED: all painting supplies (canvas for each painter, paints, brushes), table coverings, planned lesson, table easels
SET UP: you provide the tables and chairs for your guests in the room of your choice. I come 1/2 hour early to set up the painting supplies
COST: $40 per person; 8 person minimum.
For me to hold your date, your party will require a $50 non-refundable deposit. If less than two weeks' notice, please call for availability.
WHAT ABOUT FOOD/DRINKS? You can offer your guests the beverages and food of your choice. There are breaks needed with acrylic painting to let the canvas dry. That's a perfect time to enjoy some refreshments with your guests.
WHAT DO WE PAINT? I've designed a variety of pieces for you to choose from. I am adding new pieces weekly, so be sure to keep checking this page!
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE? Plan on 2-3 hours for your party.
DO I HAVE TO BE AN EXPERIENCED PAINTER TO DO THIS? Absolutely not! I've purposely designed pieces for you to do that are not overly complicated. My goal is for you to enjoy your creative time with your family/friends, NOT to try to convert you into another Rembrandt!
Call Kristin: 253-754-2965